The Dusty Camel

Day 28

Hiked today: 17.5
Hiked total: 430.1
To katahdin: 1748.2

We woke up too early (I got confused with the time change) and napped for a little longer. When we finally woke, we packed up and ate a dozen eggs with some toast and a half gallon of juice. Talked with Bob a little more and went on our way.

The hike was really pretty and almost TOO hot - its amazing the difference a week makes. We walked along a river with a waterfall and later on along a lake. There was some hard up hill, and there wasn't too much downhill, but from here until damascus its pretty flat which is great. We passed some older hikers and they asked our trail names and then called us the Dusty Camel. We thought that was a perfect name for our dynamic duo - a dirty animal that just goes on and on.

When we got to the shelter, there were two guys here, Jeff and nick, who are doing some of the trail as part of their spring break. They started a fire and shred some of their whiskey which was nice. They go to school in Boone and are some good guys. It was nice to meet some guys our age for a change.

We are close to Virginia which means three states down. We are eager to get there and to get our packages. We have a lot coming between the two of us (and a present I got for Andys birthday) which is exciting. Until then we will be pulling some good miles.

Andy is on the phone talking to his extended family, so hi to all of them since I'm right next to the phone!

via BB